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Help us to shine a little light this year! As you know, Carla is the owner of Baby Charlotte and Christmas is the time she usually has various charity projects in play. Shine A Little Light is her campaign name for giving back to her community, and fellow Canadians at Christmas and throughout the year. This year, she was unable to arrange her usual Jellycat toy drive for the local hospitals due to Covid restrictions. It was also difficult trying to collect food for the food bank when entry to Baby Charlotte was so restricted. There simply wasn't enough time to collect enough food. What to do? She wrote both of the songs on this CD with the help of Scott Metcalfe's beautiful arrangements and produced it herself to raise funds. 50% of the proceeds from sales of this CD will benefit Food Banks Canada. And, to start things off, Carla & Baby Charlotte have donated $2000 to The Food Bank of Waterloo Region. That's more than 6000 meals! Help us to share with our fellow Canadians who are hurting and hungry today!
Christmas Eve CD with Bonus Track Christmas At Home on CD.
50% of proceeds benefit Food Banks Canada.
This is a physical CD in cardboard CD case. To purchase just the downloadable tracks for $3.00, please visit
You can also purchase directly from itunes; however, buying directly from Carla or Baby Charlotte is the best way to get the most money to Food Banks Canada.
Reviews and Mentions:
"Carla Muller Delivers Two Christmas Presents With Double-Sided Holiday Single
The Ontario singer-songwriter's new tunes will help fund Food Banks Canada.
By Darryl Sterdan - 2020-12-23468 Carla Muller spreads twice the evergreen cheer with her double-sided fundraising single Christmas Eve and Christmas At Home showcasing today on Tinnitist.
“If I go back far enough, I can remember past Christmases from my own younger days, says the Ontario singer-songwriter. “I just have to close my eyes and I can picture my Mom in the kitchen, singing softly to herself, our old dog Cassidy barking his head off as the doorbell rings and scrabbling to greet friends. Boxing Day would bring carols, sung in a way that only family can, our voices blending as they rose and fell in harmony.
“It's family, however you define it. I imagine next year, we'll take the time to slow down and really enjoy the music, light and laughter of Christmas. When we can all be together again and hold one another close. How wonderful that will be!"
In a year of social distancing, Carla with a little help from her friends, completed live virtual recording to create modern contemporary holiday hits. While the tracks were recorded quickly, they were drawn from years of Carla's writings, a perfect symbolic of the past and present, the Yuletide extension of the wistful wonderland. Supporting what we all need right now, Carla is donating 50% of the proceeds from these songs to Food Banks Canada."
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